Stress Measurement CSIRO HI Cell HID Cell (digital output)HID Cell 4-channel data logger HI Cell - ISS Recorder Interface CSIRO Mini-Frac Hydraulic Fracturing System Borehole Packers Signal Conditioner System Biaxial Chamber Stress Capsule Shotcrete Stress Cell Strain Bridge Monitor Blast Monitoring Equipment Kelunji EchoPro Microphone Geophone
Software & Consulting Stress 2005 analysis s/w Professional consulting 3D Tracker Real Time GPS Software
FIBRE OPTIC Leak detection Gas & Oil pipeline monitoring Structural Monitoring SOFO Technology
Displacement Monitoring Resistance Wire Extensometer RWE Readout Joint / Crackmeter Tape Extensometer Dual Height Telltales Sentinel Bolt Telltales Remote Reading Telltale Auto Warning Telltale GeoSense Readout MPBX Borehole Extensometer Borehole Micrometer SlideMinder Slope Monitoring Strain Gauged Rockbolt Portable Reader and Logger Auto Warning Telltale Single Height Remote Reading Telltale System Sonic Extometer
Insitu Testing & Lab Point Load tester Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Shear Vane Tester Static plate load tester Drop weight tester
Mine Monitoring Mine Accelerometer Borehole Geophone Acoustic Meter Total Pressure Cell Load Cell Piezometer Strain Gauges VW Reading Station Handheld VW Indicator Strain Gauged Rock Bolt Strain Gauged Rock Bolt Reader Strain Gauged Readout Confined Space Comms Sonic Extometer PASI Products Water Level Indicators Borehole Cameras Seismographs Electric Imaging Electrical Imaging 16G-N Software & Energy Source
Earth Resistivity Earth Resistivity 16G-N Software & Energy Source
Roctest Products Cells & Stressmeters Extensometers Inclinometers Insitu Testing & Lab Packers Piezo & Water Level Specialized Sensors Settlement Systems Readout & Data Logger Strain Gauges SMARTEC Products SOFO System MUST System Sensoptic DiTest and DiTemp Other Systems SDB Software Corrosion Sensors AGI Biaxial Clinometers Engineering Tiltmeters High-Precision Tiltmeters Tiltmeters for Advanced Research Miniature Tilt Sensors
TELL-TAILS CRACKMETER Compact, rugged and easy to use, the Tell-Tail Crackmeter is designed to monitor small cracks and displacement over time. Click here for more information or request a quote here. $35 each (plus GST, P&H)