2010 APIA Convention and Exhibition
The APIA Convention and Exhibition is recognised as one of the most important events in the national energy and infrastructure calendar. The event attracts attendees from around the nation, as well as many international visitors.
This year’s Convention will be held from September 11 to 14 at the Darwin Convention Centre. The theme of the 2010 Convention is Australia’s Pipeline Industry – Local Expertise; International Influence and ES&S will be showcasing Leak Detection using Fibre Optics at Stand 59.
The Convention and Exhibition will provide relevant, up-to-date information about projects and international issues, address technical, environmental and economic challenges and look at new developments in the industry.
The APIA Convention and Exhibition provides a forum for exchange of ideas and information like no other energy event in Australia. Don’t miss this event – you will be one of the many people who will be able to proudly say “I’ve been to the APIA Convention”!